Episode 1 
Really Real Wonder Woman

Jessica Alba

“I’m always getting everything I want”

The story of a little girl who always wanted to have Super Powers to do everything she ever wanted. And how she grew up and got everything she was asking for. The story that will tell you how to access your own Super Powers and activate the Energy of Success.

What’s a definition of modern times Wonder Woman? She can fly, kick butt and is super hot, right? Jessica Alba does it almost all really well: check out any of her action movies and you will get the picture ;-). Reading Wonder Woman’s job description, you will find also points on “helping others” and “saving the world”. And let’s see: already her flagship book “The Honest Life” is dedicated to those who want to make the world a better place for future generations. Coincidence? I don’t think so!

“I’m always getting everything I want” – says the mom of three and founder of “The Honest Company”. She created this enterprise without any experience in business, but with a mission to produce affordable nontoxic household essentials. The idea came when she was looking for healthy household solutions, while being pregnant with her first baby, Honour. It went so well that she decided to share those solutions with the world and created a billion dollar worth business empire while doing that. Uups…;-).

Next boxes on Jessica’s “Everything I want” list are: hot husband, great kids, happy family life, 3-star Michelin chef cooking skills. Check, check, check and check. Over the years her marriage with Cash Warren seems to get better and better (we don’t miss the kinky sex tips Jess is sharing in Cosmo now and then). In the kitchen she seems to surpass best French cusiniers. Useless to even start talking about her looks… And BTW: she also belongs to A-list elite since I don’t know when. You are getting the picture ;-).


How does she do it? Let’s take a closer look: she never sleeps? No. She got so damn lucky? No. She has four twin sisters, who do all the cooking and businessing? That would explain a lot, but no. She actually has Super Powers she was dreaming of as a little girl? Bingo!

To explain the origin of Jessica’s Super Powers we need to go back couple of years to her childhood. As a little girl, due to some health issues, she was a frequent hospital guest. She was spending her time daydreaming about Super Powers, which would allow her to do everything she wanted.

Couple of years later: boom! She becomes a movie star out of nowhere, then a Super Mom, then a business tycoon etc etc. She goes through life as if she had a Magic Wand in each pocket. Coincidence? Again: I don’t think so!

Celebrity Success Secret:

We all have Super Powers! Clairvoyance, clairaudience, mind reading – with some training we all can access and use them. You are so much more powerful than you think you are!

But we will start with the most important one: you have the power to create and shape your reality any way you want. Today Jessika is a living proof that you can have it all. You just need to know how to access and use your Super Powers. THE ONLY THING YOU HAVE TO DO is to tap into your Energy of Success (EoS) to activate your Super Powers.

What exactly is the Energy of Success (EoS)? It is an actual energy frequency that celebs and other successful people master to perfection. Worldwide most advanced neuro-programing performance programs are helping to develop it, increasing the brainwave frequencies.

Celebrity Success Secret:

We all have Super Powers! Clairvoyance, clairaudience, mind reading, time travel – with some training we all can access and use them. You are so much more powerful than you think you are!

But we will start with the most important one: you have the power to create and shape your reality any way you want. Today Jessica is a living proof that you can have it all. And with you I mean YOU :-)! You just need to know how to access and use your Super Powers. THE ONLY THING YOU HAVE TO DO is to tap into your Energy of Success (EoS) to activate your Super Powers.

Celebrities and other successful people master the Energy of Success to perfection. Worldwide most advanced neuro-programming high performance programs are based on these principles. Keep reading this blog and you will see your life changing and improving every day.

Celebrities and other successful people apply Energy of Success on a daily basis. Consciously or intuitively, sometimes they just have a natural inherent understanding thereof. And that’s actually great news: Jess is not the only one who can get everything she is wishing for. We all can create our reality any way we want, once we know how. This blog is designed to help you to tap into your own EoS frequency

Here are three tips which will help you with understanding Energy of Success:

Celebrity Success Tip No 1: Absolute Knowing

All Successful People know and apply this: whatever your mind can conceive and believe, you can achieve! They know this to be true, so they also KNOW, that whatever they are wishing for, is already as good as theirs ;-).

So first and most important step in tapping into your Energy of Success: you must believe it + you must know it! That’s absolutely fundamental and do not make mistake: the word “KNOW” is the key. Successful People don’t “hope” or “wish” that they can achieve their desire. They know. Period.

When Jessica was making first steps in the business world, she had a concrete vision: she wanted to build a consumer packaged goods company. “But when I talked to me lawyers, managers and agents – says Jess in the interview for “Fast Company” – they didn’t know how to do that, so they tried to make me feel small and dumb”. But Jessica KNEW exactly what she is going to create… and her company achieved Unicorn status (=valued over 1 bln $) in a record time!

Celebrity Success Tip No 2: Reality Creation

Countless celebs, as well as the most powerful and successful people in the history understood this principle very well: everything you want to have in your life, you need to create on the inner first. Your thoughts create your reality. We are what we think. “Focus on what you want in life, focus on your purpose” – says Jessica in “Fast Company”.

You might think: pfff…I know that! I heard everything about positive thinking.

But obvious isn’t obvious! If positive thinking was enough, we all would be walking around totally positive, rich, happy & smoking hot ;-). You need to consider two questions:

1. Are my thinking patterns really positive? (For this see: Episode 2 for Celebrity Rapid Result No 2)

2. Is my subconscious programming positive too? This brings us to the Celebrity Success Tip No 3:

This is THE most important point, which goes beyond the positive thinking. It explains why positive thinking alone might fail us. If we practise positive thinking like crazy and don’t get the expected results over and over again, it is because:

The Reality Creation does not happen on The Conscious but Subconscious Level. This is one of the most important aspects of understanding Energy of Success, and achieving all your dreams. Here we go:

Celebrity Success Tip No 3: The Secret behind the Secret

Research shows that our subconscious believes shape over 95% of our reality! Do you want to know what’s in your subconscious mind? Then take a good look at your life! As everything what’s happening there, you created on a subconscious level. “Your subconscious mind makes everything you say and do fit a pattern consistent with your self-concept, your “master program” – this is how subconscious programming explains self-development guru Brian Tracy.

So the secret behind the secret is that you cannot change your life on the conscious level, with the conscious mindset only. You need to go deeper to the subconscious.

What does it mean? Let’s say that e.g. you want to earn million dollars in the next two months. You think positively: “Yes, yes, I am totally a millionaire”, you visualize: all your goodies etc etc. Two months have passed and you are on minus five thousand. “What did I do wrong?” – you might think.

Consciously nothing, but once you access your subconscious mind you might see, that you are actually programmed for poverty. And guess what: if that’s the case, you probably had money problems your entire life and it’s not gonna change, until you change your subconscious programming.

“Ok. what do I do now?” – you might think. Read Episode 2 Episode 2 for 3 life changing Celebrity Rapid Results (CRR) secrets. Super simple but they will change your Energy of Success so fast it will make your head spin. There’s is a “But” though: you need to apply them daily, habitually. Remember: consistency is the key to any Success!



This blog post is an educational fiction, containing self-development tools. It is based on  articles from “Fast Company”,  international versions of “Cosmopolitan” and Brian Tracy on-line publications, where also all the quotes come from.